Bioethics in end-of-life care: statistical review

Autores: Arriaga García Rendón Juan P., González Omar


In Mexico, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, during 2020, a total of 1,086,743 deaths were recorded. End-of-life care is expensive, with up to a quarter of the health insurance budget devoted to caring for patients who die that year. Aggressive interventions are frequently used even when evidence is lacking, while palliative care is often underused despite evidence that it increases patients’ quality of life without decreasing life expectancy. Recently, there has been a shift toward patient-centered outcomes that better reflect patient values in end-of-life care. Although the evidence for patients’ preferences regarding the place of death is unclear and contradictory, posing the home as the best/preferred place of death remains a central objective for end-of-life care.

Palabras clave: Bioethics palliative care euthanasia dysthanasia orthothanasia

2024-02-07   |   228 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 9 Núm.2. Julio-Diciembre 2023 Pags. 52-55 J Lat Am Geriatric Med 2023; 9(2)