Cervical cytology -XXI Century:

New technology, new guidelines 

Autor: Ferenczy Alex


Both systemic and opportunistic cytology screening programmes have shown a 60 %to 70% reduction in mortality rates due to cervical cancer. Cervical cytology is not perfect, however, for it suffers from several pitfalls, namely false-negative and false-positive results. These are on average, 50 % and up to 15 %, respectively. The reasons for the relatively low sensitivity and specificity rates are sampling errors and reading/interpretation errors. In view of these facts, the only way to explain the excellent contribution of conventional cytology toward decreasing cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates is that the test must be frequently repeated. This, however, is a cost-ineffective way to screen for disease.

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2004-01-31   |   1,288 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 15 Núm.4. Octubre-Diciembre 2003 Pags. 235-238. Rev Venez Oncol 2003; 15(4)