Radiologists help uncover child abuse

Education innovations drive new course series at RSNA 2003 

Radiology is very important in the discovery and documentation of child physical abuse. A report in the July-August issue of RadioGraphics will help diagnostic radiologists who are in the vanguard of detecting these injuries. The report, “Child Abuse: Radiologic Pathologic Correlation,” says about one percent of American children are subjected to some form of neglect or abuse, and inflicted injury is responsible for approximately 1,200 childhood deaths annually. “Radiologists are asked to testify in court about whether or not injuries have been inflicted,” says lead author Lt. Col. Gael J. Lonergan, M.D., formerly of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). “I thought this review was something that should be put into the literature in an accessible format for general diagnostic radiologists.” The report reviews the radiologic injury patterns commonly discovered in physically abused children, with special emphasis on the biomechanical forces that produce the injuries, their pathologic and radiologic appearance, and forensic implications of certain features of the injuries. The paper draws extensively on the pioneering work of pediatric radiologist Paul K. Kleinman, M.D., of Boston Children’s Hospital.

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2004-02-03   |   1,383 visitas   |   1 valoraciones

Vol. 2 Núm.4. Octubre-Diciembre 2003 Pags. 233-236 An Radiol Mex 2003; 2(4)