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Se anexa lista: Pathogenesis and treatment of kidney disease and hipertension impact of timing of nephrology referral and pre-esrd care on mortality risk among new esrd patients in the United States Fractional excretion of igg predicts renal outcome and response to therapy in primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: A pilot study Igm nephropaty: Clinical picture and long-term prognosis Renal artery stenosis by three-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography in type 2 diabetics with uncontrolled hipertensión and chronic renal insufficiency: Prevalence and effect on renal function Renal transplantation in children with lupus nephritis “Pathogenesis and treatment of kidney disease and hipertensión, an index for renal outcome in anca-associated glomerulonephritis” Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: From childhood to adulthood A controlled, prospective study of the effects of atorvastatin on proteinuria and progressión of kidney disease High-normal blood pressure and microalbuminuria Pathogenesis and treatment of kidney disease and hypertensión prevalence of chronic kidney disease and decreased kidney function in the adult us population: Third national health and nutrition examination survey Cigarrette smoking and increased urine albumin excretion are interrelated predictors of nephropathy progressión in type 2 diabetes Clinicopathologic predictors of death and esrd in patients with pauci-immune necrotizing glomerulonephritis Clinical and morphological prognostic factors in membranous nephropathy: Significance of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Prevalence and progression of peripheral arterial calcifications in patients with esrd Para mayor información descargue formato PDF.

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2004-10-08   |   1,143 visitas   |   2 valoraciones

Vol. 25 Núm.1. Enero-Marzo 2004 Pags. 37-43 Nefrol Mex 2004; 25(1)