Autores: Pereira Oliveira Arthur Maynart, Silva Paiva Wellingson, Oliveira de Amorim Robson Luis, Barcellos Morais Thiago, Gadelha Figueiredo Eberval, Ferreira Andrade Almir, Jacobsen Teixeira Manoel
The decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a surgical procedure that has been used for years to treat ICP elevations related (or not) to cerebral edema caused by a variety of diseases. In this paper the authors review literature about outcomes in patients underwent to DC. Published papers from Medline/Pubmed and EMBASE database with priority for clinical trials, randomized controlled trials and reviews were revised. No meta-analysis was verified. Four hundred and seven papers were identified. We selected 25 papers containing strong evidence level. The decompressive craniectomy in massive cerebral infarction seems to be becoming less a procedure of last choice or a heroic measure to save the life of the patient, but a procedure that reduces the morbidity and mortality of these patients when applied correctly. However papers with a number of patients is still small and did not find uniformity in the criteria for the decompressive procedure indicated among them.
Palabras clave: Stroke craniectomy brain edema surgery.
2009-12-15 | 1,395 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 32 Núm.1. Agosto 2009 Pags. 84-87 Rev Chile Neuroc 2009; 32(1)