Panamerican Association of Medical Technologists

Autor: Araya G Juan Carlos


The PanAmerican Association of Medical Technologists (MTPA) is a professional organization of Medical Technology, nonprofit, which has invited the representative institutions of the Pan American countries to build, set common objectives and complete resolution of those issues related to the full and free exercise of competence achieved, displayed and demonstrated during their education. The MTPA, founded in Arica (1992) for the First Medical Technology Journey, responded to the increasingly evident need to have a structure that could communicate across dedicated professionals to the area. Subsequently, Talca (1994), Santiago (1998) and Valdivia (2000), resulted in important agreements within Latin America, both in academy and in the exercise of the profession, creating an atmosphere of understanding and common problems and their proposed solutions, sharing of technological and scientific advances that each organization contributes to the development of the Career in the various countries of the region and the exchange of experiences that promote the advancement and improvement of knowledge of each specialty or mention. Under the Development XV Chilean Congress of Medical Technology, invites the countries of the region to the V Pan American Medical Technologists Journey as a result of this call MTPA and revitalize the main goal is set mark and denote the presence of Medical Technologists in the panamerican context through the means available, so that as a guild, and thus intermediate society of the countries involved, to participate in decisions that are atingentes, both government and academy. Explicit and tangible demonstration that there are Medical Technologists and contribute, significantly to the development of medical and biological sciences at the highest levels of decision making and public policy settings, it is absolutely necessary, generating a single 'esprit of corps' or sense of belonging, as to the dilemma of what our profession does not achieve the strength and solidity to be recognized by society in general, we realized that the title, the justified concerns and professional practice, no have been suffi cient to obtain that objective. Equipment is necessary to share work and panel discussions both in academic and work in the various state and private estates. We need to unify criteria, to resolve concerns and bet on the talent of our minds that society identifies us as who we are going to make the diagnosis of disease from Medical Technology at the service of medicine. To note that technological advances should be developed by those who are fully trained in its use and that they alone will provide greater confidence in the outcome. Of the professional societies or associations should emerge better and more relevant criteria statements, because without doubt, are those concerning the organization and respect, science and unity. The premises must be desirable: Universal, with multiple denotation for all member organizations of the American community, in communion with the legislatures, ministries, institutions of higher education control and the Governments themselves. The consolidation of this organization, which runs as described above, will inevitably be able to establish the Professional Autonomy, whose purpose is none other than make-from where we are and equal-to the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis , treatment and recovery of health of members of society in general and thus consolidate its operations, thus contributing to the Common Good. Autonomy means the right professionals have to organize and regulate their activities. Professional organizations, through instruments such as codes of ethics and professional ethics, are committed to ensuring the quality of services offered. The code of ethics comprises standards recognized by the members of the profession seeking to show its usefulness and normalize their activity. Accordingly, we urge everyone to think, work and offering their views on the institutional and properly how to better define our profession, with a solid and irrefutable identity, the same that has an enduring social recognition, which will provide us your once self-autonomy in the area of our expertise and knowledge, thereby paving the way towards effective unit concepts, unifying criteria, academic planning and thus be all America only one Medical Technology, recognized and admired tenacity, effort and professionalism of those who hold and exercise in the most different areas of knowledge, in every place on earth where they are required undeniable and essential services. Do not forget that the men go, only his works and institutions are in time .... The Publisher

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2011-05-05   |   1,387 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 30 Núm.2. Julio-Diciembre 2010 Pags. 1571-1572 Rev Chil Tecno Med 2010; 30(2)