Low-virulence phylogenetic background of CTX-M-producing Escherichia coli isolated from extraintestinal infections

Autores: Paiva Andyara L, Lincopan Nilton, Silva Ketrin C, Neves Patrícia R, Moreno Andrea M, McCulloch John A, Astolfi Ferreira Claudete S, Ferreira Antonio JP


Background The Escherichia coli can play either a commensal or parasitic relationship with humans, with the latter leading to intestinal or extra-intestinal (EI) infections. Whereas commensal E. coli strains represent predominantly (low-virulence) phylogenetic groups A and B1, strains causing EI infections (which are known as ExPEC – Extraintestinal Pathogenic E. coli) have been shown to correlate to the high-virulence phylogroups B2 and D. However, E. coli strains exhibiting low-virulence backgrounds, such as the commensal strains, have been isolated under pathogenic conditions, indicating that pathogenic commensals can cause EI infections when the bacterium gains access to a normally sterile body site, mainly in patients with susceptibility linked to underlying disease.

Palabras clave: ExPEC; urinary tract infection; ESBL; CTX-M-1; CTX-M-2; CTX-M-15; ST648; Latin America.

2013-10-16   |   514 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 7 Núm.10. Octubre 2013 Pags. 756-760 J Infect Developing Countries 2013; 7(10)